Thursday, September 16, 2010


Hello everybody! You must be thinking, What is he doing with third blog? Well, I dunno. It is no secret that I like to write. I have been told that I am entertaining. Some people have no taste! It has been suggested that I write my stories down and I figured I would create a place just for that. But you would say what about Avanishingamerica? Well, that is for stories related to Americana and pictures of the past that inspire me. I will still post there when appropriate, but I wanted some place with a little more creative freedom. I hope I can entertain you and please leave comments. The feedback helps me improve the creative process. I am currently working on a fictional narrative and should be posting soon. I also have a humorous story percolating, but it needs more time. Until then, enjoy the other blogs. Love ya, bub-bye.

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